Local Responsive Web Design London

Empower your website now by making it responsive; Increase Online Growth

How Does Responsive Web Design Compare with Mobile Web Design?.

In this digital world, that's very fast moving; one thing important is your website not only looks great but functions well on any device. We at Webgel understand how important it is. We offer first-class web design services for your business to succeed in any online platform. Two important ways in which you can achieve great user experience on any device are responsive web design and mobile web design. While both of them strive to improve the usability, the approaches they use are different. Let's briefly take a look at how these approaches differ and why it matters.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is an approach that suggests an approach to a website design and development which responds to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform, and orientation. An adequate response comes from flexible grids, media queries, and flexible images. Here's how responsive web design works and its key features:

  1. Fluid Grid Layouts: In responsive web design, the layout of the website is based on a flexible grid system. This means that the elements on the page resize and rearrange themselves depending on the screen size.

  2. Media Queries: CSS media queries are used to apply different styles for different devices. For example, if a media query can tell that a user is on a smartphone, then certain specific styles will be applied, catered for those smaller screens.

  3. Flexible Images: Images in a responsive web design are made flexible; they scale within their containing elements without losing the quality of their appearance. So images will look really good, no matter what device from: desktop screens to the smaller mobile ones.

  4. Single Codebase: One of the big benefits of responsive web design is that you use a single code base for all your devices. That means, it's incredibly easy to maintain, and the user experience will consistently be similar across various platforms.

  5. User Experience: Since it does not really matter which size of screen the visitor uses, this lets responsive web design lay out and adjust both the content display and overall site interface to offer the greatest user experience possible whether it is from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.



SEO & Digital Marketing Agency

Our SEO Agency are here to problem solve why you are not ranking in Google and to come up with an SEO/ Digital marketing strategy that will out rank your competition.

Web Design

At Webgel we have a wealth of experience in delivering high-end user experience web design that is part of tailored strategy to promote growth and meet your business goals. Our team of web designers have a slick process to make your project easy and enjoyable.

E-Commerce Web Design

Let our handmade eCommerce websites take your current web store to next level and beyond. Our eCommerce experts have years of experience in migrating, integrating and strategically marketing your eCommerce platform, giving you better conversions and increased growth.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Our process is built on a deep awareness of your target audience, where we learn about your customers’ habits and emotional drivers, discovered through several research techniques.

Google Page Speed Optimisation

Nearly 50% of web searchers will leave after around only three seconds – One of the most overlooked SEO strategies is Page Speed Optimisation, which is crucial to creating a good environment for your visitors and keeping them on site.

Website Integrations

We have experience integrating our websites with external providers for financing, multi-channel sales and even Customer Relationship Management systems, allowing your business and website to work seamlessly together.

Opencart eCommerce Development

Over 35 years wealth of experience in eCommerce web design, access to 15 opencart eCommerce web developers.

Social Media Marketing

Engaging with your audience on social media is our speciality. It allows us to help you grow your business and maintain your social presence with an effective social media strategy.

Search Engine Optimisation

Our SEO team is here to problem solve why you are not ranking in Google and to come up with an SEO/ Digital marketing strategy that will outrank your competition.

PPC Management

If you’re looking for instant results, Pay Per Click gives first page result on many search engines and provides an instant impact to traffic, exposure and your bottom line.

Local SEO

Search engine algorithms are complex and rely on a multitude of factors to determine where your website is returned in the search results. There are over 200 different ranking factors that range in importance and significance.

Email Marketing

Webgel deliver your content into your clients’ inbox on time allowing you to effectively and efficiently engage new customers. Our tailor made campaigns help advertise your services and products to your target market.


Let our work speak for us. Have a look at our responsive web design and e-commerce website design projects.

Some of Our Clients.

Key Differences Between Responsive and Mobile Web Design.

Both responsive web design and mobile web design aim to enhance user experience across devices, but they differ significantly in their approaches and implementations.

Single Site vs. Separate Sites

  • Responsive Web Design: Uses a single website that adapts to all screen sizes and devices.

  • Mobile Web Design: Often involves a separate mobile version of the website, distinct from the desktop version.


  • Responsive Web Design: Provides a flexible and fluid layout that adjusts to any screen size.

  • Mobile Web Design: Offers a fixed layout optimised specifically for mobile devices.


  • Responsive Web Design: Easier to maintain since there is only one codebase to manage.

  • Mobile Web Design: Requires separate maintenance for both desktop and mobile sites, potentially increasing the workload.

User Experience

  • Responsive Web Design: Ensures a consistent user experience across all devices, with the design adapting fluidly to different screen sizes.

  • Mobile Web Design: Tailors the user experience specifically to mobile devices, which can result in a more customised mobile experience.

Load Times

  • Responsive Web Design: May have longer load times on mobile devices if not optimised correctly, as it loads the same resources for all devices.

  • Mobile Web Design: Can achieve faster load times on mobile devices by specifically optimising the mobile site’s resources.

Why Choose Responsive Web Design?

At Webgel, we recommend responsive web design for most businesses due to its flexibility and ease of maintenance. Here’s why:

  1. Cost-Effective: With a single responsive site, there’s no need to develop and maintain separate versions for different devices, saving time and money.

  2. SEO Benefits: Google prefers responsive web design as it ensures a consistent URL and content for all devices, which can improve search engine rankings.

  3. Future-Proof: Responsive design adapts to any screen size, including new devices that may emerge in the future, making it a more future-proof solution.

  4. Consistent Experience: Users get a consistent experience across all devices, which can enhance brand perception and user satisfaction.

Get in touch.

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0845 3884 963




Aston Court, Kingsmead Business Park, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1LA

Contact Us

    London Web Design FAQs

    Yes, we work with all types of businesses across the country. If you are looking for a local London website design company then we can arrange a meeting or a simple phone call to get the ball rolling.

    We work with all businesses with a range of budgets from £800 upwards and we will work with your finance team on a suitable payment plan as we understand that cash flow is key to all businesses.

    Responsive web design, are designed to respond to the device (mobile/tablet) being used to access them (hence the term ‘responsive design’). This means the best user experience is guaranteed regardless of what mobile phone or tablet is being used. Because so many people use mobile devices to access the internet, it makes sense that a big part of online sales are now made from phones and tablets. By providing an optimised shopping experience for mobile users you can increase your mobile sales dramatically.

    This question is very tricky one as we have come across lots of different scenarios and would recommend contacting us for free advice on your current website. What we do know is all our website designs and CMS rights belong to you as a company giving you peace of mind regarding ownership.

    We have helped businesses generate more revenue online via SEO and digital marketing whether its for a new or existing website.

    We will typically arrange a call or on the off chance that you are based local in London, then an appointment would be best. From this underlying conversation we can discover more about your company, your crowd and your promoting objectives. From this, we will advance our suggestions and create a website proposal, which you can make a no pressure decision.


    Local Responsive Website Agency: Bridging the Digital Divide

    In today's digital age, the demand for websites that work seamlessly across various devices has never been higher. Whether you're checking out a blog on your phone, making a purchase on your tablet, or doing research on your desktop, you expect the website to function smoothly. That's where a local responsive website agency steps in, offering specialized solutions tailored to the unique needs of the community.


    Easy website Maintenance

    No-one wants to have to deal with multiple versions of the same website purely to offer different viewing options; your costs and maintenance will be much higher and your valuable time wasted.  Once your responsive site is operational, there is just one site to manage.  It’s easy to update and you can get on with focusing on your business.


    Vastly increase your mobile sales

    A large majority of people use mobile devices when accessing the internet so you need to be mobile savvy and mobile ready.  With a fully optimised responsive website in place, viewers can use phones or tablets without a hitch.  Your mobile sales will soon be on the up and your shoppers happy!


    Understanding Responsive Design

    Before diving deep, it's important to understand what responsive design means. In simple terms, a responsive website adjusts its layout based on the screen size and orientation of the device it's being viewed on. So, whether it's a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop, the website will provide an optimal viewing experience.


    Why Choose a Local Agency?

    Local Insights: A local agency understands the nuances of the community, culture, and consumer behaviour in the region, ensuring the design resonates with the target audience.

    Personalised Services: Unlike international or larger firms, local agencies can offer more personalized attention, making sure your unique requirements are met.

    Ease of Communication: Being in the same time zone, or even just a short drive away, can make in-person meetings and regular check-ins a breeze.


    Benefits of a Responsive Website:

    Enhanced User Experience: No more pinching and zooming on mobile devices. Content is readable, and navigation is smooth.

    Improved Search Engine Rankings: Search engines like Google prioritise responsive websites, which can help in increasing your site's visibility.

    Cost-Effective: Instead of creating multiple versions of your site for different devices, you just need one responsive design, saving time and money.

    Increased Traffic & Conversion: With mobile internet usage overtaking desktop, a responsive website ensures you capture this massive audience effectively.

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