A brochure website is the online equivalent of a printed company brochure containing all relevant information about your business.

Brochure websites are attractive to SMEs because they are inexpensive at a time when budgets are tight. However, this doesn’t mean that they are not effective.

A brochure website typically comprises up to 5 pages that include a home page, information about who you are, services and products, testimonials and contact details. It may also have a blog attached so that you can keep your customers up to date with latest news or developments in your business.

Unlike a printed literature you can upload videos to your brochure website or audio which makes it much more exciting and interesting.

As time progresses and your business grows you can add pages to your website and content to your blog. And when you have more money to spend on your online presence, start thinking about an e-commerce site.

Even in today’s technology savvy world, it is quite surprising how many business owners think that when their website goes live, that’s enough to attract customers. It isn’t!

From Webgel, you will get an outstanding, eye catching web design and a brochure website that is SEO (search engine optimised) friendly. However, once it is live there’s work to do to ensure search engines pick it up and index it.

What is SEO?

Contrary to legend, search engine optimisation is not rocket science. It is the method of driving traffic to your website through organic search. For example, if you are a plumber in Somerset you would naturally like to be found when someone keys “plumber in Somerset” into a Google, Bing or Yahoo search. However, there are lots of plumbers in Somerset, so how will they find you above your competitors? If there are 100 plumbers in Somerset, they can’t all be on the first page of Google which typically has 10 to 15 search results displayed.

One way to appear on those first search results is to optimise your web pages and blog posts with keywords related to your local area. So, if you are in Taunton you would ensure that the content on your web pages includes phrases like “plumber in Taunton” or “Taunton plumber”.

By doing this you can appear in organic search results without it costing you money. Naturally you can also opt to pay for ads but in the early days of a start-up business you’ll save money with good SEO.

At Webgel, we offer SEO services or SEO and Digital Marketing Master Classes so that you can learn how to do it yourself.

Promote your brochure website through social media

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and Pinterest among many others are social media platforms where you can promote your business for free. When you set up your accounts make sure you include your website address and contact details. Get on Google Maps even if your business is online only, because it’s another method of free advertising.

You can post new products or services on social media to let your customers know about them quickly. If you are participating in or sponsoring a charity event, customers will be interested. Think about what interests you on social media and apply it to your own accounts.

It’s also important to monitor social media accounts regularly. Social media is all about interaction. If your customers ask questions they should be answered as quickly as possible. In this way you show your customers that you are interested in engaging with them. It’s a personal touch that is sadly lacking in larger organisations.

Need a brochure website?

If you are starting a new business, a brochure website will serve you well in the initial stages. Contact us on 0845 3884 963 for more information about our affordable web design in Taunton and nationwide. We will be happy to chat about our web development and digital marketing services too.

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