Local SEO Checklist 2020

How to rank local SEO

If you are serious about improving your website local search engine optimisation then here are a few things which must be done in order to build a solid Local SEO foundation. When building your new responsive website! (Yes responsive web design is a must).

Firstly, you need to know that not always you will be able to do all of the things on the list. So don’t get concerned if some things can’t be checked off the list. It would be amazing if you could do all of the things on the list, but even if you don’t do all of them your website you will still improve your website rankings.

So basically, what we are trying to say is that you should do as many things you can on the list, but if something is not possible leave it and don’t worry about it or contact our digital marketing team who can assist you.

Local SEO 2020 Checklist

Before we start you need to know that not all of the things apply to you and your website and we have put them in no particular order and if you do need some local seo advice advice just give us a call. So, let’s begin.

  1. Begin building links and start off-page optimisation. Remember, this is really important.
  2. Check Google’s Search Console for 404/500 errors, missing titles, technical errors and duplicate content. Check messages from Google daily.
  3. Check if your site is mobile friendly with Google’s mobile friendly test
  4. Check the speed of your website with Google PageSpeed Tools.
  5. Claim your business on the major social networks for reputations and to build your brand.
  6. Create an XML sitemap and submit it to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools. You can use Google XML Sitemaps or a custom sitemap.
  7. Create robots.txt file and submit it to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  8. Double-check everything before going live.
  9. If you have the option to choose between absolute and relative URLs always choose absolute.
  10. If you’re using WordPress install Google Analytics by Yoast and Yoast SEO.
  11. Install Bing Webmaster Tools.
  12. Install Google Analytics.
  13. Install Google Search Console.
  14. Link your pages in an SEO-friendly way – make description with anchor text, but remember not to overdo it.
  15. Make sure all of your images have descriptive alt tags.
  16. Make sure that all of your meta-description tags are 155 characters otherwise the tags will we truncated in results.
  17. Make sure that all of your title tags are less than 65 characters otherwise the tags will be truncated in results.
  18. Make sure that your site isn’t creating duplicate content. You can use Google Webmaster Tools to help you with this.
  19. Make sure you have at least 500 words content on your site because that way you will give search engines a chance to understand the topic your page is about.
  20. Inbed your primary keyword into your page’s URL.
  21. Review all of the free SEO tools at your disposal.
  22. Set up social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.
  23. Take a look at competitor link profiles so you can start link building.
  24. Use an h1 tag which includes the keyword and also use h2, h3, h4…
  25. Implement schema mark up on your website pages.
  26. Check for technical errors.
  27. Extensive keyword research to pick out keywords that generate good traffic and the least competition.
  28. Check your website for crawl problems, broken links and errors.
  29. Create good landing pages with call to action

Webgel Digital Agency is a full digital service and cover all of the above on each of our projects to make sure your website gets launched with a boost as no website launch should take a dip in rankings or traffic.


How much do Webgel charge for local SEO?

Our prices depend on a number of factors regarding search term, your current website and competition. Our prices start from £150.

How fast can we notice a difference in our local SEO rankings?

Our SEO changes can take place within a matter of hours as we can use search console to submit the changes on your website to Google.

Do you send out Local SEO reports so I know what I am getting for my money?

We track a list of keywords so we can keep track of your ranking in Google and we will be doing monthly audits to your website and reporting back to you.

Contact us for a free local seo audit so we can point out quick gains you can implement that will show you growth.

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